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If you are interested in applying for our Residency Program, you may apply for either a Lead Teacher or Assistant Teacher position.
Job Listings
Type any part of the Job Title, Job Type, or Job Location to Search
Job TitlePosting DateTypeLocation
Middle School Science Lead Teacher 25-2611/13/2024Secondary CertifiedLibertas School of MemphisApply
Middle School Math Lead Teacher 25-2611/13/2024Secondary CertifiedLibertas School of MemphisApply
Middle School History Lead Teacher 25-2611/13/2024Secondary CertifiedLibertas School of MemphisApply
Middle School English Lead Teacher 25-2611/13/2024Secondary CertifiedLibertas School of MemphisApply
Lead Teacher 25-2611/13/2024Secondary CertifiedLibertas School of MemphisApply
Special Education Functional Skills Teacher 25-2611/13/2024Elementary CertifiedLibertas School of MemphisApply
Gardening and Permaculture Teacher (Part-Time)10/14/2024SupportLibertas School of MemphisApply
Middle School Lead Teacher (Pool)07/08/2024Secondary CertifiedLibertas School of MemphisApply
Assistant Teacher (Pool)02/26/2024SupportLibertas School of MemphisApply
Apprentice Teacher (Pool)02/26/2024SupportLibertas School of MemphisApply
Full-Time Daily Substitute Teacher (Pool)02/02/2024SupportLibertas School of MemphisApply
Upper Elementary Math Teacher01/09/2024Elementary CertifiedLibertas School of MemphisApply